Artificial Intelligence

How deepnudes reveal the pornifcation of technology

What if there was some type of technology that would allow you to undress any person you desired? Snap a picture, and then see them naked. For four days in June 2019, there was an app for that.

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4 technology issues to watch out for in 2020

The new year has already been a blur in many ways. From an international crisis to the continued focus on the presidential election this fall, 2020 has the potential to be a history-making year.

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4 technology issues to watch out for in 2020

The new year has already been a blur in many ways. From an international crisis to the continued focus on the presidential election this fall, 2020 has the potential to be a history-making year.

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Facial Recognition Technology and Our Souls

Last week the New York Times ran an article chronicling yet another authoritarian abuse of technology to oppress a minority people group in China. At times, it feels like the Chinese regime relishes these types of revelations because it gives them more reason to flaunt their power over the weak and remind the world of how they define morality and liberty down.

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Evangelicals and Artificial Intelligence

On April 11 of this year, The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission unveiled a new ethical framework and set of principles, called Artificial Intelligence: An Evangelical Statement of Principles, in a crowded room in Washington, D.C.

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