WeeklyTech #149
Leading Your Church in a Digital Age
People may spend five to six hours a week hearing from God’s Word, worshiping our triune God with the church, or in community with fellow believers. Compared to those five…
A conversation with Dr. Ross Hastings on pastoral ethics and moral formation
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. W. Ross Hastings, an ethicist and theologian who is the recent author of a new book titled Pastoral Ethics: Moral Formation as…
A conversation with Dr. Jonathan Armstrong and Dr. Darrell Bock on virtual reality and technology in the church
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jonathan Armstrong, Professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute, and Dr. Darrell Bock, Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary, and we talk about their latest book, “Virtual Reality Church.”