WeeklyTech #18
Why big tech struggles with ethics
In April, Google made news yet again with the controversy surrounding the formation of an ethics board focused on artificial intelligence (AI).
WeeklyTech #17
How the Internet is Weakening our Language
The statistics are truly astounding. American adults are now spending more than 11 hours a day consuming media.
WeeklyTech #16
AI and the Christian’s Call to Engage
In early 2018, Google was under intense pressure from its own employees to drop a contract with the U.S. Department of Defense.
WeeklyTech #15
California and Privacy
Signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown on June 28, 2018, the CCPA is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that will forever change how each of us use technology products and how U.S. companies use our consumer and business data.
WeeklyTech #14
Kids and Privacy
As parents, we tend to share things online about our children without much thought.