The value of our bodies
A couple of weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal published an excerpt from a new book by neuroscientist and psychologist Michael S.A. Graziano, who teaches at Princeton University, titled Rethinking Consciousness: A Scientific Theory of Subjective Experience.
China and technology
The rise of the new Chinese state under the leadership of President Xi Jinping has been a predominant force in the conversation surrounding technological innovation, economic development, and basic human freedoms.
AI and War
Increasingly in new drone and surveillance systems, human knowledge and actions are augmented and soon might be sidelined altogether.
Ethics and Marketing
In our digital age, companies share data about us with platforms in order to gain valuable insight into things like shopping, reading, and viewing habits.
Readings on Technology
The most common questions I receive when speaking or writing about technology is “where do I start learning about these issues” or “what does all of this mean for me right now?”