
2084 Isn’t That Far Away

When you read or hear about artificial intelligence (AI), you probably have one of two reactions: fear of the unknown or some level of disregard because of other seemingly more pressing issues.

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Why we need to retain the countercultural nature of the church

A book’s publication date is often set as an author signs the contract, and it usually feels far away and distant. But sometimes you read a book that reminds you that God is sovereignly orchestrating the entire universe, including book launches, because one is so perfectly timed that not even a publisher could have planned for the moment.

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Should you be concerned about facial recognition technology?

Imagine a society where a criminal could be tracked down almost immediately by police and taken into custody, all by using his face as identification.

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5 Things You Should Know About TikTok

By now, you’ve probably heard of the rapidly growing social media app called TikTok that is taking the United States and the world by storm. It’s hard to describe just how influential and far-reaching TikTok has become so quickly.

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A conversation with Dr. John Lennox about AI and science

Dr. John Lennox, a world renown author and Oxford professor, joins host Jason Thacker to talk about his new book, 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity.

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