
What do we do with information overload?

I am often struck at how prophetic many older books on technology are in light of our modern debates over technology and the role of social media in our lives. It is far too easy to believe that many of the problems we face today are completely new and have no historical background or insight.

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A conversation with Dr. Jacob Shatzer about transhumanism, technology, and parenting

Dr. Jacob Shatzer, assistant professor of theological studies and associate dean in the School of Theology & Missions at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, joins me to talk about transhumanism and Christian discipleship. We look at what it means to understand technology in light of our theology and discuss how we can teach our kids to engage rightly with technology.

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Transhumanism and the Temptation to Play God

Often when we hear about advanced technology like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and genetic engineering, we think of some far-off future with flying cars and robot co-workers.

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A conversation with Emily Wenger about facial recognition technology

Emily Wenger, a Computer Science PhD Student and researcher at The University of Chicago, joins me to talk about facial recognition technology and her PhD work. We discuss some concerns surrounding facial recognition technology and how her faith impacts her work.

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Why you should read old books on technology

In our digital first world, it is easy to focus on the things right in front of us. Our social media feeds are designed to constantly barrage us with new information and updates. Online resources are often written in ways to boost engagement and interaction.

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