Jason Thacker

A conversation with Dr. Jonathan Pennington about Jesus and Philosophy

In this episode, I’m joined by my friend, Dr. Jonathan Pennington, who’s an associate professor of New Testament interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Pennington holds a PhD in New Testament studies from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

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A conversation with Drs. James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky on science and morality

In this episode of WeeklyTech, I’m joined by Dr. James Davidson Hunter and Paul Nedelisky, both professors at the University of Virginia and we talk about the nature of science and morality based on their book, The Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundation of Morality from Yale University Press.

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Why we need ethics to survive

Often when the secular world speaks of evangelicals, these Christians are caricatured as lacking education, social and historical awareness, and even a realistic understanding of the way the world actually…

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A conversation with Dr. James Eglinton on Herman Bavinck, theology, and ethics

Today, I’m joined by my friend, Dr. James Eglinton, who’s the senior lecturer of Reformed theology at the University of Edinburgh. We talk about the work of Herman Bavinck and how Bavinck can help us to think wisely about the modern challenges to our faith.

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How social media can impede our witness: The disconnect of the digital life

Recently, I was reading a book and was impressed by the scholar’s careful exposition, nuanced approach, and charitable engagement with critics. Naturally, in the age of social media, I decided…

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