Human Dignity

Normalizing Pornography and Dehumanizing People

Recently, a tweet by Netflix that read something like “What is something you can say during sex and while watching Netflix?” went viral.

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Our world wants to transcend aging. Christians should embrace it.

It’s tempting in our technologically rich society to treat old age as a burden and nuisance rather than something to be embraced. Many of us dread going gray and not…

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Christians and Aging

It’s tempting in our technologically rich society to treat old age as a burden and nuisance rather than something to be embraced.

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AI and the Christian’s Call to Engage

In early 2018, Google was under intense pressure from its own employees to drop a contract with the U.S. Department of Defense.

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Xi Jinping and the Power of Technology in China

The Chinese experiment of balancing freedom and control is playing out right before our eyes and will hopefully illuminate a better and more free path forward for the rest of the world as we embrace the benefits of technological innovation and lift high the concept of human dignity for all people.

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