Facial Recognition

Should you be concerned about facial recognition technology?

Imagine a society where a criminal could be tracked down almost immediately by police and taken into custody, all by using his face as identification.

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Facial Recognition Technology and Our Souls

Last week the New York Times ran an article chronicling yet another authoritarian abuse of technology to oppress a minority people group in China. At times, it feels like the Chinese regime relishes these types of revelations because it gives them more reason to flaunt their power over the weak and remind the world of how they define morality and liberty down.

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China and technology

The rise of the new Chinese state under the leadership of President Xi Jinping has been a predominant force in the conversation surrounding technological innovation, economic development, and basic human freedoms.

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Xi Jinping and the Power of Technology in China

The Chinese experiment of balancing freedom and control is playing out right before our eyes and will hopefully illuminate a better and more free path forward for the rest of the world as we embrace the benefits of technological innovation and lift high the concept of human dignity for all people.

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Should you be concerned about facial recognition technology?

Imagine a society where a criminal could be tracked down almost immediately by police and taken into custody, all by using his face as identification.

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