Why artificial intelligence can be a threat to human dignity

About a month ago, Google announced a groundbreaking technology that it hopes will revolutionize the way humans interact with computers.

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The Tension of Technology: Hope and Fear in the Digital Age

Most people, when thinking about technology, conjure up the idea of a smartphone, the internet, self-driving cars, or maybe even popular types of artificial intelligence such as Apple’s Siri or Google Home.

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The Lie of Privacy in a World of Data Mining

We live in a data-driven world. From our shopping habits and online reading to where we drive and our political leanings, data is being collected on us all the time, and many of us are just starting to realize that truth.

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The Future is Here: Artificial Intelligence & the Changing Workforce

George Jetson and his family lived in a future with flying cars, a household robot, and other high-tech luxuries.

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Why driverless cars (and other tech advances) benefit society

You might see a new way of driving hit the streets of California in April.

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