Posts by Jason Thacker

Iran and the Internet Shutdown

While most of us were going about our day this past Saturday, the Iranian government shut down internet connectivity in their country. The shutdown halted all communication in and outside the country, and this isn’t the first time this has happened in Iran.

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Our world wants to transcend aging. Christians should embrace it.

It’s tempting in our technologically rich society to treat old age as a burden and nuisance rather than something to be embraced. Many of us dread going gray and not…

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Technology and Democracy

As you begin your day, you likely check your email, social media accounts, various app notifications, and even breaking news alerts that came in as you slept. Every morning most of us encounter the onslaught of innovation before we even have our first cup of coffee.

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How to think about screen time and our kids

A new survey about tweens and teenagers confirms what most of us already knew: our kids are spending a lot of time online and watching video content. Common Sense Media released a survey about online video consumption and children last week that reveals that the percentage of those watching online content has doubled in the last four years, with the average child spending four to seven hours engaged in entertainment media every day.

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Christians and Aging

It’s tempting in our technologically rich society to treat old age as a burden and nuisance rather than something to be embraced.

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Jason Thacker Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Ethics

Jason serves as assistant professor of philosophy and ethics at Boyce College and a research fellow in Christian ethics at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. He is the author or editor of several books, including "Following Jesus in a Digital Age" and "The Digital Public Square: Christian Ethics in a Technological Society."