
Is Facebook discipling your church members?

Last year, there were a number of concerning reports about how social media — Facebook, in particular — is having extremely negative effects on our society, especially among teenagers. It…

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Where do we draw the line on hate speech?

In 2009, I was encouraged by some friends at work to join a new social media platform called Twitter. I remember watching a short promo video and hearing about how…

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Why theology and ethics should be central in the Christian life

A few years ago, I was introduced to the Dutch Reformed theologian and ethicist, Herman Bavinck. His works began to revolutionize the way that I thought about the rich relationship…

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Why a truncated vision of religious freedom is dangerous to the common good

One of the most respected evangelical intellectuals of the 20th century, Carl F.H. Henry, wrote, “If religious freedom is advocated only for pragmatic reasons, it can and will be sacrificed…

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3 words that will shape digital culture for good and cultivate virtue in the public square

It happens like clockwork. Often within a few moments of breaking news or some other major event happening in our culture, we see one of the most damaging effects of…

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Why should Christians study ethics?

One of the (many) ongoing debates within the Church today centers around the usefulness of worldview studies and how we are to think about the nature of the Christian life….

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Should Facial Recognition Be Used in Policing?

Often in a rush to deploy technological innovations, we fail to slow down and consider how technologies might have unintended consequences. This tendency to rush headlong into innovation, without adequate ethical reflection, is thankfully being recognized by computer scientists, corporate CEOs, and religious leaders alike.

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Why we need ethics to survive

Often when the secular world speaks of evangelicals, these Christians are caricatured as lacking education, social and historical awareness, and even a realistic understanding of the way the world actually…

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