This week Trillia Newbell, author, speaker, and commentator on World Radio, joins me to talk about parenting our kids in this technological day. We discuss Moxie, a forthcoming robot companion for children, from the company Embodied. We consider some of the implications of personifying technology in this way and the need for wisdom in teaching our children about interacting with technology. We dive into what it means to entrust our kids to the Lord and discuss the importance of not simply handing over a tool but taking the time to learn with your child.
- Embodied’s Moxie and promotional video
- John Dyer’s article on thinking about screen time and using technology actively rather than passively
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More about Trillia Newbell
Trillia Newbell is the author of numerous books and her writing focuses on issues of faith, family, and diversity. She is also a commentator for World Radio, the sister platform for World Magazine. She is a sought after speaker and also serves at Moody Publishers as an acquisitions editor. She also serves as the Director of Community Outreach at the ERLC.

Digital Public Square Podcast with Jason Thacker
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