In this episode, I am joined by Jake Meador, Editor-in-chief at Mere Orthodoxy and author of a new book with IVP titled What Are Christians For? Life Together at the End of the World. Today, we talk about politics, ethics, and the common good.
Meet Jake:
Jake is the author of two books, including his first book was In Search of the Common Good: Christian Fidelity in a Fractured World. His work has been published in First Things, National Review, Books & Culture, Commonweal, Christianity Today, Front Porch Republic, and the University Bookman. He lives with his wife and children in his hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska.
- What Are Christians For? by Jake Meador
- Aggressively Happy by Joy Clarkson
- Christian Worldview by Herman Bavinck
- Bavinck by James Eglinton
- Instruction in Christian Love by Martin Bucer
- Podcast: “A conversation with Dr. James Eglinton on Herman Bavinck, theology, and ethics”
The Digital Public Square is a production of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and is produced and hosted by Jason Thacker.
Production assistance is provided by Cameron Hayner. Technical production provided by Owens Productions. It is edited and mixed by Mark Owens.

Digital Public Square Podcast with Jason Thacker
Conversations on theology, ethics, and philosophy in the public square