
How to think about screen time and our kids

A new survey about tweens and teenagers confirms what most of us already knew: our kids are spending a lot of time online and watching video content. Common Sense Media released a survey about online video consumption and children last week that reveals that the percentage of those watching online content has doubled in the last four years, with the average child spending four to seven hours engaged in entertainment media every day.

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What does the Bible teach us about technology?

Not a day goes by that we don’t use some form of technology. Technology’s influence on our lives stretches back thousands of years to the use of shovels and spears.

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Book Review: How to Brave the Wild Technological Future

We live in a technology-saturated world, full of wonder and amazement about what will be developed next and how it will influence our lives.

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Glory in the everyday: What coffee teaches us about creativity and enjoyment

I remember being at my grandmother’s house when I was eight or nine years old. I was sitting on a bar stool next to my grandfather and eating breakfast—our morning routine after I stayed the night.

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Creativity and Religious Liberty

A few years ago, I was working in the creative office of my alma mater. I heard our creative director say something that struck me.

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