Human Dignity

Toxic Culture and Human Dignity: Speaking Sanity into Christian Citizenship

From the debates over abortion and religious liberty to presidential elections and international conflicts, every day seems to bring about new battle lines and harden consciences.

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Normalizing Pornography and Dehumanizing People

Recently, a tweet by Netflix that read something like “What is something you can say during sex and while watching Netflix?” went viral.

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Our world wants to transcend aging. Christians should embrace it.

It’s tempting in our technologically rich society to treat old age as a burden and nuisance rather than something to be embraced. Many of us dread going gray and not…

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Christians and Aging

It’s tempting in our technologically rich society to treat old age as a burden and nuisance rather than something to be embraced.

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China and technology

The rise of the new Chinese state under the leadership of President Xi Jinping has been a predominant force in the conversation surrounding technological innovation, economic development, and basic human freedoms.

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