
An ethical case for wearing a mask during this pandemic

Our nation and the wider world is experiencing a once in a lifetime generation-shifting moment. Throughout all of this social upheaval and global health crisis, some are beginning to protest the simple guidelines to wear a mask in public on theological grounds or even out of a sheer rebellious spirit.

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Why companies are trying to normalize pornography

Recently, a tweet by Netflix that read something like “What is something you can say during sex and while watching Netflix?” went viral.

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Is marketing moral?

You may notice a new tool on your Facebook profile in the coming months. A few weeks ago, the social media giant launched a new privacy tool called “Off-Facebook Activity.”

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Our world wants to transcend aging. Christians should embrace it.

It’s tempting in our technologically rich society to treat old age as a burden and nuisance rather than something to be embraced. Many of us dread going gray and not…

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Why Big Tech Struggles with Ethics

In April, Google made news yet again with the controversy surrounding the formation of an ethics board focused on artificial intelligence (AI).

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