2084 Isn’t that far away

When you read or hear about artificial intelligence (AI), you probably have one of two reactions: fear of the unknown or some level of disregard because of other seemingly more pressing issues. Both reactions are understandable. AI seems like a far off, futuristic technology that doesn’t yet affect daily life. In reality, though, AI is around us all the time and, for all its tangible benefits, major promises have been made about how this technology will revolutionize our lives.

Along with many of these overhyped predictions, there’s a great need for ethical reflection, because these technologies already drive our communication tools, medical innovations, weapons of war, economy, office work, and even the smart devices in our homes. There are many moral concerns about how these technologies will be developed and deployed in our local communities, as well as major philosophical debates over the role of theistic faith in the sciences. But a quick survey of popular AI literature reveals too few thinkers engaging with these issues from a distinctly Christian worldview.

This is exactly where John Lennox’s new book, 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, enters the conversation. Lennox serves as emeritus professor of mathematics at Oxford University and is a prolific writer on the interface of science, philosophy, and religion. In this book he engages a wide swath of AI literature, highlights the promises and perils of this technology, and ultimately shows how the Christian faith is the most coherent worldview for engage the pressing issues of AI.