
A conversation with Jake Meador about politics, ethics, and the common good

In this episode, I am joined by Jake Meador, Editor-in-chief at Mere Orthodoxy and author of a new book with IVP titled What Are Christians For? Life Together at the…

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A conversation with Trevin Wax about GK Chesteron’s Orthodoxy

In this episode, I am joined by Trevin Wax, the vice president of research and resource development at the North American Mission Board and guide to a newly released version…

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A conversation with Samuel James on truth and technology

In this episode, I am joined by Samuel James, an editor and writer who focuses on issues of theology, technology, and society. Today, we talk about a recent article he…

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How social media can impede our witness: The disconnect of the digital life

Recently, I was reading a book and was impressed by the scholar’s careful exposition, nuanced approach, and charitable engagement with critics. Naturally, in the age of social media, I decided…

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The Disconnect of the Digital Life: How Social Media is Shaping Us and Can Impede Our Witness

Recently, I was reading a book and was really impressed by the scholar’s careful exposition, nuanced approach, and charitable engagement with their critics. Naturally in the age of social media, I decided to look up the author online and was surprised with what I found.

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